Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pre-dance photos

So, somehow in all the craziness I missed taking some girls photos! If your girl was one of them, I am happy to take one for you at a different sorry I missed a few father/daughter combos. With 16 girls there with family, it was hard to keep track. :)
The dance was so fun. It was amazing how great our girls and dads all were! The dads were good sports about getting out there to dance! 5 of our troop dads were in the final dance off round! We really have the best troop!
Congratulations to Savannah and Mr. Wright! Mr. Wright won the dance off, so they were the king and queen of the ball and took home some great prizes!
I hope all the girls had the best time last night...I know Jadyn did!
Go troop 1460!

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