Monday, February 7, 2011

Cookie Concession boxes

Wed. (Feb. 9th) we will be making the cookie concession boxes to sell cookies on Feb. 19th outside of Old Navy. If your girl will not be selling on that day, they can still make a box or team up with another girl to help them make theirs.
I have a box for ...
Claire, Karlie, Alexis, Jadyn, Temi, Madison M. and Skye so far. We have 3 extras and will need 8 box lids more to make sure each girl has one. Please send your girl with a box on Wed. or let me know if you need one of the 3 extras. If we do not have 18 boxes, we will have a few girls pair up, so it will help to know if your Daisy will not need the box to sell cookies on the 19th.
Thank you to the parents who sent extra boxes!
Also, the cookies will be here on Feb. 13th. Alyssa will be home on Feb. 15th to give out cookie orders. Please contact her to set up a time to get your boxes of cookies. You can email her at
Thank you again for all the work that went into the cookies pre-sales!
Shannon :)

1 comment:

  1. I'll send out an email soon with available times. Thanks everyone!

    - Alyssa
