Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Use Resources Wisely!

Today the girls earned the green petal for using resources wisely. They had lots of good ideas for helping our earth.
They will be bringing home a chalkboard and chalk. This is great for writing spelling words instead of using paper every week.
We also worked on a "being green" coloring book with crayons. Lots of good ideas in this one.
Last, they have a cup to use and reuse with a custom work of art they made to decorate the cup. (Note: Remove the paper before washing the cup so their art is not ruined)

Yesterday was World Thinking Day, so we also discussed girl scouts around the world.

"Girls and women of all ages in many countries do not have the same opportunities as men. They do not have the same access to education as boys and men. Women are underrepresented in the world’s governments and in the workforce, and earn far less than men.

The World Thinking Day theme for 2011 is girls worldwide say “empowering girls will change our world.” Raising awareness about this goal will help empower girls and young women to take a stand against inequality.

Did you know…?
•Girls are two times as likely to be illiterate (unable to read) as boys.
•7 out of 10 people living in poverty in the world are women and girls.
•Only 2% of the world’s land is owned by women.
•Women do two-thirds of the work in the world, but earn only 10% of the income."
Taken from girl scout website.
The girls are doing amazing things and next week they will earn the last petal to their daisy flower!
Side note: It must be getting close to Spring fever around here... it seems the girls are a little more hyper than normal. If you are due to be snack helper, please try to send a healthy snack verses a sugary one. If you want to send a treat, that is ok, but please also include something healthy like apples, carrots, cheese and crackers, or anything else with protein or lower sugar content.
Lets see if this helps them focus a little better :)
Thank you to everyone who has brought snack so far! The girls have loved it all!
Go troop 1460!

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