Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cookie Sales!

So the pre-orders are over...your orders have all been received and sent to council. Our troop total was 2,389 boxes so far!
We will post here and email you when the boxes are ready for you to come pick up!
You will need an appt. to pick up your cookies from Alyssa or myself.
They should be here by Feb. 13th :)
Thank you for all of the hard work you put in to helping the girls sell cookies! We will have some fun events coming up for sure!
*After our final totals are in, I will give you a better idea of what we will do with the troop money. I know we will have a celebration for the girls, some will go to buying the cookie patches and the incentive prizes (after paying this, we get about $.50 per box to the troop), we will buy the bridging patch if your girl decides to stay in as a brownie, and we will save most of it for next year to help make our projects better. :)
Go Troop 1460!

Friday, January 28, 2011


Wow....1840 boxes of cookies as a troop! Good job girls and parents! :)
Get your cookie club account set up and submit your orders by Jan. 30th.
Go troop 1460!

Rose petal

We ran out of time to give the Rose petal out on Wed. We will give them at the next meeting. If you have any copy paper lids...we still need about 8, so send them to the next meeting or I can come get them before that.
Cards are sent to our troops, books and new patch are ordered, dance money is ready to be sent when I get the tickets and cookie sales are going great.
Do not forget to submit your orders through Cookie Club by 1/30 so we can get them imported into Ebudde on time. Late orders cannot be taken for the Feb. pre-sale delivery.
Thank you!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cookie Sale Update

Wow girls! Over 1100 boxes as a troop sold! You are all doing great! Pre-sales go until Jan. 30th, but if you have them in by Jan. 29th, it will be even better to get all the orders sent in through ebudde.

February 19th (yes, the same day as the dance) we will sell cookies outside of Old Navy from about 11am-12:30pm. It will give the girls a chance to sell boxes that they have in their concession boxes. :) This age really likes to sell things! haha
See you there!


Hello everyone! Just some reminders about Wed. (1/26)
The patch/book money is due...$12
The dance money is due...$17
Both of these can be combined to make a check payable to Troop 1460 for $29.

If you are paying for your girl to take the limo to the dance, it is $10 made payable to me (Shannon Fisher) since I paid today on my credit card for both limos.
We will have room for 20 people total. 4 dads will be the chaperones in the limos and then the rest of the dads can follow or meet us there so they have a way to get home.

From 5:15pm to 5:30pm, I will be taking some photos of the girls and dads and hopefully a group photo. The limos are set to arrive at 5:35pm to give us time to let the girls scream for a minute, check it out and get in and on their way!

This week we will be making Valentine cards for our troops. Next meeting, we will need to have the copy paper lids. Thank you for those who sent in extra! :)
Let me know if you will need one of those.

Thank you for being such great parents! This is all new to me being a leader for the girls since I was never a girl scout. I think this is the best troop of girls ever with huge hearts, lots of drive to help others and work hard!

PS...the Chick-Fil-A turn out was amazing! Good job Daisy Scouts. The first week in March, the school will have a raffle of products and services to raise even more money for Alysha. If you have a talent, craft, product, or service to share, let me know!! I cannot imagine what the family is enduring right now!

Go troop 1460!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Father/Daughter Dance

The Father/Daughter dance details have changed...Please pre-pay me by Jan. 26th ($17 per couple) or pay $20 per couple at the door.
Let me know if you will attend either way, so they have enough food there.
It is still Febraury 19th, but now from 6-8pm
Bring your Father (or any male role model) and come join the fun! We will dance the night away, make corsages, raffle prizes, have a dance off, and just have a blast with our friends!
Dinner will be served at 6:00pm.
(Italian dinner to be provided by Meatballz)

Dance Location:
NorthGate Church of Christ
Ball Room
16612 North 21st Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85023
(21st Ave & Bell Road, Behind the Sanderson Ford car Dealership)
Pre-Sale Ticket Prices
$17 per couple $8 for each additional girl
*Purchase tickets from your troop leader
Price at Door $20 per couple $10 for each additional girl
*Please bring 3 canned foods per person
Canned food drive As an in-kind service for the use of the building the Girl Scouts will be participating in the NGCC food drive. Help feed those that are less fortunate!
Items needed: Peanut butter, Dry beans, Dry rice, Soup, Cereal, Ramen noodles, Mac & Cheese, Tuna, Canned fruit, Canned vegetables, Dish soap, Spaghetti Sauce and noodles.

*Duke Photography will take your formal portrait for addition charge.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fellow Pirate in Need

If you can make it to Chick-Fil-A, Monday the 24th to support the 5th grader from Norterra Canyon battling cancer that would be great! We are going to be there at about 5:30pm and if any of you plan to go, have your Daisy wear their vest to show support from our girl scouts!
Hope to see you all there!
Lets join together to be friendly and helpful, considerate and caring and to live by the girl scout law ;)
Thank you!

Monday, January 17, 2011

New patch

After the girls complete the petals, the next part of learning will be from the Daisy flower garden book. The patch is $5 and has three parts to earn. After reviewing the book, it looks worth buying for $7. So for both, it is $12. The patch must be bought at the council store, so we will collect for that to make one purchase. The book can be bought at Sports Chalet or I can get it for you at the council shop.
If you cannot purchase these, please let Tisha or myself know and we will find it in troop funds. We do not want the girls to miss out on having the book or patch!
This next part of girl scouts will be even better than the first part!
Here is the tenative agenda:
January 26th (Rose petal)Make the world a better place
*Make valentine's cards for troops and clean up Kindergarten area

Pre-sale Cookie orders need to be in by Jan. 30th

February 9th-Make cookie selling boxes
Please send any box lids to photo copy paper you may have and ribbon that is 1 to 2 inches wide. I have 135 ft. of ribbon, but may need up to 300 feet.

Feb. 19th -field trip to sell cookies as a troop
See side bar for details and meeting spot.

February 23rd (Green petal)- Use resources wisely
(Feb 22nd Thinking Day)
*Girl will get a go green coloring book and decorate reusable cups
*We will also take a bunch of reusable items and make "art"
We will need toilet paper rolls and paper towel rolls, markers, paper scraps, glue, stickers, etc. if you have any to donate to the "art box".
March 9th (Magenta petal) Respect authority
* Talk about March 12th-GS birthday (Special treats by Miss Chandra)
*Draw in frames who we respect in authority
*Guest speaker- Fire Fighter!

March 23rd Camp Day (At the school)
*Make smores in a bag, make sit upons in tent, sing songs, and camp on campus!

On March 26th, we will do the field trip to Petsmart for an animal tour, viewing the pet hotel, and holding at least one pet on at 10am.

April 6th -Journey patches-Watering can-responsible for what I say and do

April 20th-Journey patches
Golden Honey Bee Award-make the world a better place

Reward field trip April 30th.

May 4th -Journey patches
Last day of the Daisy Flower garden lessons

May 14th-Prescott day trip...crafts, scavenger hunt and lunch

May 18th-Last day...Garden Party during our last meeting!!
Parents: Plan on attending if you can...the girls will have a performance for you :)
They will also get the last patch!
Amazing Daisy Award- knowing and living the girl scout promise and law after they say the promise and law

January 26th

We had a change of plans for this day's project. We will be making Valentine's for Hugs for Soldiers and the navy ship USS Pinckney (DDG-91) as well as cleaning up the kindergarten area to earn the petal "make the world a better place".
We have to get the Valentine's mailed out so they make it in time.
Note: Our troop cards will not have photos on them...just needed a festive example :)
We will make the concession boxes February can still send the box lids or I can pick them up. :)
Thank you!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Photo of your Daisy

It was suggested if you take your sell sheet to work for your Daisy that you have a photo of your girl holding a sign or just a photo of them to help make it personal.
Here are some photos from when we took a troop photo (aside from Maddy M. and Skye)Feel free to use them if you do not have a recent photo of your girl. :)
Jadyn is so excited over these cookie sales (As you can see in her photo!)
Hope your girls are too!

Friday, January 14, 2011

February 9th

We will be making concession boxes for our February 19th walk about sale.
Please send your girl with a copy paper lid and if you have any extras around your office or home, please send them in for those who may not have one. I can actually pick them up from you if you have more than one box lid. :)
Also, they will need to have their markers and glue sticks with them. I will have some print outs of cookies and the ribbon.
Please, let me know if you will not be able to send a box, so I can make sure to find your Daisy one before our meeting.
Also, if you have extra 1 inch + ribbon laying around, we could use that too!
Chase bank has started to charge us $12 per month unless we use the debit card 6 plus times per month.(Which is not easy)
I am looking into how to get around this, but for now, the budget is tight :)
Thank you in advance for the box lids and ribbon!

Cookie Club!

The cookie sales start Jan. 15th at 9am! The cookie club is a great way to send ecards to ask friends and family to buy cookies. It also helps your Daisy see her progress as she meets her goals.
Daisy homework...
1. Set a goal of how many boxes your Daisy wants to sell
2. Set up your Cookie Club account
3. Send out ecards
Have fun selling cookies!
If anyone wants to buy cookies, but not eat them (this may never happen)...they can still buy boxes for us to send to the Hugs for soldiers and the navy ship
USS Pinckney (DDG-91)
Also, on Jan. 26th we will be making Valentine's for the same men and women.
I cannot imagine the sacrifices they make for us daily, so if this makes their day good even for a few minutes, it will be a great thing for the girls :)
Please let us know if you have any questions about cookie sales.
Note: They are $4 per box...have your pre-orders in by Jan. 30th..thank you!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A sister to every girl scout

I think these girls earn this petal every meeting! They really are a sweet group that help each other out and all having caring hearts. It is so nice to see!
Today they earned the violet petal, colored a shirt with fabric markers, signed each others shirts, made a frame for this troop photo and we talked about cookie sales. These girls are super excited to sell cookies! I think we will be exceeding our troop goal for sure! :)
Thank you to everyone for getting your permission slips in and helping the girls make their personal goal...however many boxes that is.
Another thank you to Alyssa for all of the cute clip boards for the girls. They were so happy to look "official".
All of the moms that help are very much appreciated...thank you!! :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Meeting Jan. 12th

It has been awhile since we had a girl's meeting...just a reminder that there is a meeting tomorrow (Jan. 12th)
We have lots of fun things planned! :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cookie Sales Notes

These are the notes from Alyssa (our Cookie Mom) Please review so we are all ready to sell cookies with the girls starting January 15th. :)
The cookies are $4 per box

• Cookie sales January 15th - March 20th (If the money is all in by March 10th that would be even better to get our bank account ready for the withdraw from council)
• Submit 1st set of orders on January 30th to receive cookies Feb 12-17
• Sales after that time will have cookies delivered throughout

• 12 boxes per girl = Cookie Badge
• Girls can set higher goal on their own, but we were thinking 12 boxes per girl
• 75¢ per box goes to troop for troop activities (about 50¢ after buying badges)

• No door to door sales alone -February 18-20, 2011
Girls begin to deliver customer cookies and participate in Walkabout weekend.
(Door-to-door sales)
• No personal checks allowed- except from our parents. Make checks payable to “Troop 1460” and put girl’s name in memo field
• Daisies must wear Girl Scout uniform when selling
• Money should not be collected until cookies are delivered
• Turn in money as it’s received and keep track of receipt provided
• Keep cookie money separate from personal money (use envelope)

• Role play with your Daisy to ensure she’s prepared to make sales
• Make it a family affair
• Workplace sales – take order card to work or places of business with a picture of your Daisy attached to the card to make it personal
• Two order cards – Moms can carry “Pocket Card” in purse and have available at any time

Cookie Club: An email was sent out how to sign your Daisy up•
and click on Cookie Club to sign up
• Allows you to take orders via email and track progress
• Girls can record orders received from Order Card
• Parent confirms each order input (Parent password required)
• Create eCards to send to family and friends

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who came out to the meeting tonight! I think the girls will have a great time selling cookies this year!
Also, thank you to Alyssa who will be our Cookie mom. It is a huge help to have the support she is giving our troop!
If you missed the meeting, please meet us at 4:45pm on Jan. 12th after the girl's meeting to get the permission slips needed for your girl to participate in the cookie sales.
The girls need 12 boxes sold to earn a cookie patch and they can set their goal for more than that, but our troop goal will be 250 boxes. We will have a special ice cream social or field trip paid for with the cookie money earned.

Thank you again for helping make this the best troop ever!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Quick Reminders

Don't forget the meeting on Jan. 5th for parents to go over the cookies sales very briefly.
Jan. 8th is the Lowe's field trip at 10am.
Also, dues for the second half of the year are also due January 12th if you chose the option to split the payment.

Hope to see you all soon!
Happy New Year!