Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cookie Sales!

So the pre-orders are over...your orders have all been received and sent to council. Our troop total was 2,389 boxes so far!
We will post here and email you when the boxes are ready for you to come pick up!
You will need an appt. to pick up your cookies from Alyssa or myself.
They should be here by Feb. 13th :)
Thank you for all of the hard work you put in to helping the girls sell cookies! We will have some fun events coming up for sure!
*After our final totals are in, I will give you a better idea of what we will do with the troop money. I know we will have a celebration for the girls, some will go to buying the cookie patches and the incentive prizes (after paying this, we get about $.50 per box to the troop), we will buy the bridging patch if your girl decides to stay in as a brownie, and we will save most of it for next year to help make our projects better. :)
Go Troop 1460!

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