Monday, January 17, 2011

New patch

After the girls complete the petals, the next part of learning will be from the Daisy flower garden book. The patch is $5 and has three parts to earn. After reviewing the book, it looks worth buying for $7. So for both, it is $12. The patch must be bought at the council store, so we will collect for that to make one purchase. The book can be bought at Sports Chalet or I can get it for you at the council shop.
If you cannot purchase these, please let Tisha or myself know and we will find it in troop funds. We do not want the girls to miss out on having the book or patch!
This next part of girl scouts will be even better than the first part!
Here is the tenative agenda:
January 26th (Rose petal)Make the world a better place
*Make valentine's cards for troops and clean up Kindergarten area

Pre-sale Cookie orders need to be in by Jan. 30th

February 9th-Make cookie selling boxes
Please send any box lids to photo copy paper you may have and ribbon that is 1 to 2 inches wide. I have 135 ft. of ribbon, but may need up to 300 feet.

Feb. 19th -field trip to sell cookies as a troop
See side bar for details and meeting spot.

February 23rd (Green petal)- Use resources wisely
(Feb 22nd Thinking Day)
*Girl will get a go green coloring book and decorate reusable cups
*We will also take a bunch of reusable items and make "art"
We will need toilet paper rolls and paper towel rolls, markers, paper scraps, glue, stickers, etc. if you have any to donate to the "art box".
March 9th (Magenta petal) Respect authority
* Talk about March 12th-GS birthday (Special treats by Miss Chandra)
*Draw in frames who we respect in authority
*Guest speaker- Fire Fighter!

March 23rd Camp Day (At the school)
*Make smores in a bag, make sit upons in tent, sing songs, and camp on campus!

On March 26th, we will do the field trip to Petsmart for an animal tour, viewing the pet hotel, and holding at least one pet on at 10am.

April 6th -Journey patches-Watering can-responsible for what I say and do

April 20th-Journey patches
Golden Honey Bee Award-make the world a better place

Reward field trip April 30th.

May 4th -Journey patches
Last day of the Daisy Flower garden lessons

May 14th-Prescott day trip...crafts, scavenger hunt and lunch

May 18th-Last day...Garden Party during our last meeting!!
Parents: Plan on attending if you can...the girls will have a performance for you :)
They will also get the last patch!
Amazing Daisy Award- knowing and living the girl scout promise and law after they say the promise and law

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