Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cookie Sales Notes

These are the notes from Alyssa (our Cookie Mom) Please review so we are all ready to sell cookies with the girls starting January 15th. :)
The cookies are $4 per box

• Cookie sales January 15th - March 20th (If the money is all in by March 10th that would be even better to get our bank account ready for the withdraw from council)
• Submit 1st set of orders on January 30th to receive cookies Feb 12-17
• Sales after that time will have cookies delivered throughout

• 12 boxes per girl = Cookie Badge
• Girls can set higher goal on their own, but we were thinking 12 boxes per girl
• 75¢ per box goes to troop for troop activities (about 50¢ after buying badges)

• No door to door sales alone -February 18-20, 2011
Girls begin to deliver customer cookies and participate in Walkabout weekend.
(Door-to-door sales)
• No personal checks allowed- except from our parents. Make checks payable to “Troop 1460” and put girl’s name in memo field
• Daisies must wear Girl Scout uniform when selling
• Money should not be collected until cookies are delivered
• Turn in money as it’s received and keep track of receipt provided
• Keep cookie money separate from personal money (use envelope)

• Role play with your Daisy to ensure she’s prepared to make sales
• Make it a family affair
• Workplace sales – take order card to work or places of business with a picture of your Daisy attached to the card to make it personal
• Two order cards – Moms can carry “Pocket Card” in purse and have available at any time

Cookie Club: An email was sent out how to sign your Daisy up•
and click on Cookie Club to sign up
• Allows you to take orders via email and track progress
• Girls can record orders received from Order Card
• Parent confirms each order input (Parent password required)
• Create eCards to send to family and friends

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