Friday, December 14, 2012


The party was a success! Thank you Madison H. for the snowmen snack, veggies and water! We also had cocoa, pizza from the troop and more snacks from Kalyn. It was a great food day. Hope they liked the Brownie shirts. They are from Old Navy if they do not fit and need an exhange. The girls enjoyed opening presents from each other and singing lots of songs. Thank you for helping make the party so fun! Our next meeting is 1/9. We will be creating some swaps for World Thinking Day in February. Payment has been made and we are all set for that. I am sorry if you missed signing up. The neighborhood events are strict on when money is due.
The He and She Dance will be in February as well (The 8th). We will be making masquerade masks for that too. Should be fun! An evite will be coming soon!

Thank you for a great 2012....see you all next year! :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Gift Wrapping

The girls did great with gift wrapping! Thanks to all that donated and helped. We have tons of paper left. I can put it out or take a photo of it and you can let me know what was yours. I cannot remember who gave me what. haha :) I thought it would be lots busier, but the girls still had fun!

Last meeting was great! Thank you Megan for snack! We had fun doing skits and planning the holiday party this Wed. Karoke is the theme they chose. They also wanted to do a gift exchange instead of books. It can be up to $1 in cost or homemade. I emailed out the secret sister list. I do not want to post here since I know lots of girl scouts says they check this blog. (Hi girls!)

Excited for the party!

Enjoy your Holidays!! I am glad each girl is a part of this troop. They all bring something so special and I love that!

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Our meeting went great this week. Thank you to Claire for the yummy snack! The girls made passports and have started to think about what their story will be about. I cannot wait to see all the published books.
We talked about what SWAPS they want to make, what to do with the money from gift wrapping and more. These girls are so great!
Some updates:
Please RSVP for the paper wrapping event on Dec. 9th at Anthem Outlets. There are still spots open. If you are donating wrapping paper, tape, ribbons, bows, etc. please have them to me or Tisha by December 8th. We will need a lot of supplies if we are going to make any tips ;) Thank you to all that have already volunteered and signed up!
World Thinking Day Feb. 9th. It is at Anthem Park and is $5 per girl. I need to know how many are going and pay by Dec. 12th.

Some things to note:
The He/She dance will be on Feb 8th. It is $5/girl and a Masquerade Theme. Should be fun! Evite will be coming soon!
Donations: Troop 2692 is trying to earn an award and they're collecting new DVDs for Phoenix Children's Hospital. The kids are 0-Teenagers so even PG13 is acceptable. Let me know if you want to donate any movies so I can take them to the leader meeting Dec. 12th.
Next meetings are: 12-5 and 12-12
Lots of fun coming up!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Please RSVP to the evite for the wrapping gift day and the WTD on Feb 9th. :)
We have lots of fun coming soon!

Friday, November 16, 2012


It has been awhile! Our last meeting went great! Thank you to Erin and her mom for a delicious, healthy snack. Thank you to Madison C. and her family for the extra bonus food as well! The girls were happy since they all love to eat! haha
The girls can fill out page 39 and 40 in their books if they want. We talked about folklores and their own style. We are getting close to writing those books! They had model magic to create anything they want out of. It will air dry if left to sit out 24 hours.
Next meeting we will be making a passport to use at World Thinking Day. The neighborhood will be hosting one and we will do a smaller scale one at a meeting in February.
If you would like to have your girl attend, please let me know. It is $5 per girl.
Some things to note:
The He/She dance will be on Feb 8th. It is $5/girl and a Masquerade Theme. Should be fun!
Donations: Troop 2692 is trying to earn an award and they're collecting new DVDs for Phoenix Children's Hospital. The kids are 0-Teenagers so even PG13 is acceptable. Let me know if you want to donate any movies! :)

Jan. 12th the neighborhood is having a "Cookie Kick-Off Pajama Party". More details soon!
Alyssa is our cookie mom again...thank you!! :)

Please sign up for a time to wrap at the outlets if you want to participate in that. We will be using the donations to buy toys for kids in need.

Go Troop 1460!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Letters to our Troops

Today the girls had a very busy day! Thank you to Elliot and her mom for snack!! They read from their books, answered questions, got a journal to bring to each meeting, and last wrote letters to our troops so Michael's craft store can send them off before Christmas. :) They also got their Cookies for Kids Cancer patches. Thank you Shana for planning that event and getting the patches for the girls!

Remember: If you would like to plan an event, we have some months open. You will need to find the contact info, price, date. Check the date with Tisha or myself to make sure it is not a conflict for one of us to be there and after that, just send the evite. Super easy! If we cannot be there, the event would just be an unofficial visit.  Let me know if you have any questions. :)

We have the zoo trip coming up in November. Please RSVP to the evite.

The girls will be writing a book soon....real authors in our troop because we are that awesome! haha

Go troop 1460!

Friday, October 12, 2012

PJs and Eggs

Thank you to everyone who was able to make it to PJs and Eggs and for all the jammies for AZ Children's Association! It was a great night! (Jadyn took most of the photos for us) :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Meeting #3

Today was another great meeting! The girls talked about feelings and had lots to say. We had a butterfly snack bag (forgot to take a photo!) with carrots and hummus as well...thank you Gally for snack!. * Quick reminder about snack: We are a nut free troop. This means we cannot have any snacks brought in with nuts in it. The reason is if the girls that can have nuts eat them with their hands and then touch shared supplies with someone who cannot have them, they are passing the allergen on to their fellow scout who could get very sick. Thank you so much for understanding :)

Today we read pages 6-17 in our books. The girls can fill out page 17. It lists things they are good at and things their friends are good at as well. We focused on our talents and how others can offer help with things we may struggle at.

We made cute room signs today and book marks as well.

Last, each girl should have gotten 3 Pirate magnets they made last time. Tisha had to hot glue them and bring them back. Thank you Ms. Tisha for gluing all of them!

Next time we will be working in our books again, so please have the girls bring them. I keep Jadyn's vest and book in her backpack they made and it stays in her school backpack so we do not forget it.

Please RSVP for the PJ and Egg event on October 12th. This should be another great time to all see each other and help AZ Children's Association.

Last, please RSVP to the Prescott zoo evite for November. I am looking forward to seeing that zoo!

Field trips:
We have Dec., January, March (not during Spring Break), and April open for anyone who would like to plan an adventure out.

Thank you!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Meeting #2

Our meeting went great! Thank you Skye for the fruit snacks and cute hair bows! :)
We made Cookies for Kids Cancer t-shirts to wear if you are coming to the Bake Sale Event on September 29th. They made signs as well...such creative girls! Last, they made Norterra Canyon magnets to sell to help fundraise for the PTSA. The coaches want to have a special girl scout night for one of the basketball games. Details soon...should be so fun! UPDATE: The coaches ended up getting a Bose system donated to them last week, so we still have the money we collected and part of it will go to getting Mrs. Moore (art teacher) a new pencil sharpener. The rest we will take a vote with the girls and see what they want to do. I know the school needs new balls, etc. for the playground as well. THANK YOU to everyone who wanted to help get the coaches their system. They were thankful for our efforts, but we are glad another parent was able to get them the system they wanted.

Here are some photos of our amazing troop...these girls are the best!

Monday, September 17, 2012


This Wednesday is our next meeting. Please have the girls bring their books. :) We will also be making shirts and signs for the Cookies for Cancer event and some other fun activities! See you soon!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Next Meeting

In case you missed the Evite message from Shana about Cookies for Kids Cancer, here it is...
"Hi moms - just wanted you to know that I have baggies, ties and stickers for you all to use for packaging your cookies.  I'll be at next week's Girl Scout meeting to distribute stuff but if you can't make that meeting, let me know and I'll drop it by your house."

The next meeting is September 19th. We will be making some signs for the event as well as other great stuff.

Thank you again for all of the donations. The office was full of hygiene items today that I left for Anne (PTA president at Paseo Hills) to pick up. We are still working on the coaches gift. It went from a $200 system to $350. Long story, but basically it need to be in no cords. Costco version has cords. Boo. We will get it figured out. If anyone still wants to send in money, we have $198 so far. :) If needed we will sell the Norterra magnets or search Craiglist for a more budget friendly option.

Our troop is the best!

See you next week!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Meeting!

Our first meeting back went great! We talked about how we will have the girls rotate being leaders in small groups each meeting. We had snack....thank you Lauren! She also made all the girls a cute sweet! After that we colored their little packs to keep their books in that they received as well. Such a fun day. The girls have matured so much over the short summer. We were really proud how they listened so well and have great ideas to share. They were extremely gracious to Madison and welcomed her to our troop as if she has always been with us. We are happy that we are back to our original 18 girls....just like the very first Daisy Troop!

Thank you to everyone for getting your supply dues in and for the $20 room fee. We have so many fun things planned this year!

Go Troop 1460!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 5th!

Tomorrow is the day!! Cannot wait to see all the girls for our first meeting back! We will meet them in the circle still and then head to room 203. Pick up is 4:45pm. :)

See you then!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Norterra Supplies

Norterra PTSA said they will need white glue, expo markers and glue sticks this year if you have extras. :)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Donation Collection

Thank you to everyone who has given school supplies for St. Vincent De Paul. We will be collecting until Sept. 11th, but if I can have them by the 5th, that would be great!

I was contacted yesterday by the PTA president of Paseo Hills. They are in desperate need of shampoo and deodorant for their giving closet. It is a Title one school and many of the families do not have the money for basic essentials so the school has a closet and the kids can take 5 items out per month. If you can give to this cause as well, please send the items on Sept. 5th or drop anytime to Norterra, Tisha or my house. I think it is a great thing to do with your child even you just bought $1 shampoo from the Dollar store...every bit helps!

I am really excited for this year. The more I read through the book to finalize lessons, the more I know we will have so much fun!
Check out the GS site for some fun activities. See you soon!

Go Troop 1460!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Welcome Madison H.!

Madison will be joining our troop this year to make our 18 girls. We are excited to have her!!
Her parents are Krista and Matt. She also has a little brother Mason that is in Kindergarten this year.
She is in Mrs. Flory's class. Welcome Madison!!
Go Troop 1460!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Troop 2099 School Supply Drive

Junior Troop 2099 is collecting any extra school supplies you may have. They are donating to St. Vincent de Paul. If you would like to help them with their service project, please send items with your child on September 5th. I need to turn them in to the troop by September 12th. :)
They are looking for:
Pencils, paper, erasers, glue, backpacks, crayons, highlighters, dry erase markers, rulers, safety scissors and anything other supplies you can think of!
Thank you!

Parent Meeting

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the meeting tonight. Also, thank you to Chandra and Joel for letting us use their home! It was much appreciated. If you could not make the meeting, no worries. I will email you the total amount due by September 5th. We covered the $12 council fee this year, the book and patch ($12), so each family only owed $51 for supplies unless you had camp credit. Next year will be more pricey with the new vests, etc. so we thought it would be a good year for a break. After paying for everything we still have $2,252.37 in our troop account, so we are in good shape for this year. Thank you for the great cookie season!!
Highlights from the meetings:

Meetings start September 5th. Lauren is the first snack helper. Please check the side bar on the right for your date of snack helping. :)

If you would like your field trip idea used, please email me or Tisha the name of the place, tenative dates, cost per girl and the contact information. We are happy so many parents wanted to plan a field trip this year.
We will have a troop sponsored activity soon....more details to come!

Our focus will be the girls this year. We are excited for all the fun stuff to come!
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Go troop 1460!

Here are the notes from the meeting if you missed it:

Welcome back Girl Scout families!

We are excited for our last year as Brownies! Our focus this year is the "World of Girls." We will start each meeting with talking about how we can be the best Girl Scouts we can be and how to handle tricky situations from bullying, manners, handling our feelings, speaking up for ourselves, treating others how we want to be treated and basically learning how to handle things that upset us. They will be getting 4 journey patches like last year and another book. We will have fun patches as well that correlate to our field trips and other events. We will meet in room 203 this year. The day is still Wed. from 3:00pm to 4:45pm starting on September 5th.

Here is the breakdown of costs for this year:

Council fee-$12 per girl and $12 per any adult helping out

Book-$7& Patches-$5=$12 per girl

Supplies $3 per meeting x17= $51 per girl for the year

We are still trying to find out if we will be charged for our room usage this year. I will let you know when I find out. It is $20 per meeting if they do. I am hoping we can swap community service for the room.

New things: We have a new friend, Brownie Bear. She will be visiting Girl Scouts this year along with Miss Mayberry. Look for her soon and share your adventures in her book!

Snack-Please see the blog at for your date. Let me know if your date does not work and we will get it switched with another girl.

Field trips/charity time: We still plan to have one activity per month. Field trips are optional and the cost will be covered by parents unless we vote to make it a troop expense or a family cannot afford the cost. As always, no one will ever be left out of attending due to cost.

Some things we were able to do last year were: Write a letter to ask about an awning for our school, Build a Bear field trip for team building, go to the pumpkin farm, Michael's scavenger hunt, collect items for the Raab family, cookies for cancer event, Girly Girlz to make a bear for Phoenix Children's Hospital, cooking class, Jungle Jill visit, Pjs and Eggs event, tree planting (we were 1 of 100 troops chosen!), PSA about helping the earth, donated items just for me bags to the children in foster care, & car wash for two shelters ($150!)

If anyone would like to host a trip one month, please let me know. You would be in charge of finding out the cost, date, time and details of the activity, then submit to myself or Tisha for approval. You can send out the evite and I will collect any money that may need to be paid.

Behavior: This year our expectations for behavior are higher. This is our 3rd year as a troop, so it should be expected that the girls will: be respectful, use kind words, raise their hand to talk and not interrupt lessons.

They will get one warning, 2nd is a time out with a co-leader or helper parent, and third will be a note home.

Thank you! Go Troop 1460!

Shannon& Tisha

Charity ideas:

Angel Tree shopping as a group

Gathering gifts for children of All My Children Group Home

Cookies and cards for the Military

Spend time at a Nursing Home making cards or singing for them

Ideas for Events:
Flagstaff Extreme trip (Shana is getting details)

Cibola Vista Sleepover-September or next June?

Recycling Plant

Horseback Riding

Rock Climbing

Fry's Grocery Store Tour

Flash light Hike 10/26 or another date from 6:30pm to 9:00pm (Chandra is looking into this)

Boutique Day

Talent Show

Great Skate

Yogurtini Night (Fundraiser)

Golf N Stuff

Other suggestions or ideas:

Monday, August 20, 2012

Cookies for Cancer!

Shana (Alexis' mom) sent out an evite if anyone can bake or purchase cookies for the sale that would be great. Also, she will need help the day of with the actual booth on September 29th from 9am-3pm at Basha's located at 20745 N. Scottsdale Road Scottsdale, AZ 85255 to gather donations for Cookies for Cancer. Even though this is an unofficial Girl Scout event, your girl will still get a patch for helping out. Please RSVP as soon as you can so she know what to expect and how many patches to order. Hope to see you there!
Thank you!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Our new friend

Isn't she cute? ;)

Dues for this year

Here is the breakdown of fees for this year....

$12 to council per girl and $12 for any adult that wants to participate (come to meetings, go on field trips, stay overnight at our sleepover, encampment, etc.)

$7 for journey book and $5 for journey patches =$12 per girl

$3 per meeting x 17=$51 for supplies per girl

Many of you have camp $ credit and we thought we would cover the $12 registration fee and $12 for the book and patch this year.

Each family will owe $51 for supplies unless you have camp credit. :)

Let me know if you have any questions!

See you soon!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Parent Meeting!

Chandra is hosting the parent meeting August 23rd at 6:30pm. Please RSVP to the evite.

We have a full agenda, but it should not be more than an hour meeting.

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Group Home Help!

I was just put in contact with a group home that can use our help! They will be needing Halloween costumes...sizes and gender TBD soon, but I thought we would support this group of 11 children in need this year! They can also use Target gift cards to buy clothing and other things of need. :) Hope we can all chip in to help!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

Cibola Vista

This trip will be resceduled. :) See update on previous post. Parent meeting will be soon, so look for an evite with details. Bring your ideas!
Thank you!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Next year...

Cannot believe that the new school year is almost here! We are excited for all the fun planned. August 25th is going to be rescheduled due to not having a level one certified camp leader available: We will finalize details soon and send out an evite, but click here to see the room. 1400 sq. feet! :) Please call or email me with questions.

At the meeting we will talk about ideas for next year. Some ideas already mentioned for next year are... Visiting the recycling plant, cereta's candy factory, getting Christmas Angels tags and shopping as a troop for them, rock climbing, fry's store tour about healthy eating, a baking day, put on a mini talent show, holiday caroling or card making for a nursing home, cleaning up our school or neighborhoods, horseback riding, boutique day and more! Please let us know if you have any ideas for volunteering, field trips and giving back. :) We are thinking the first day for a GS meeting will be September 5th, same place and time, but need final approval from the school. As always, please let me or Tisha know of any ideas, questions, or concerns!
PS...check out our new bear friend, "Brownie". She will be visiting the girls at the Resort and will be our new troop pal!

Go Troop 1460!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


So I am doing registration for the girls. If you have moved or have any change of information, please let me know ASAP. :) Meeting info coming soon! Thank you!! Shannon

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Camp Money

I finally have the list of camp $ refunds. We got it all back except for the $12 the parents paid for membership for this year. I will refund you what you paid for camp in full or you can choose to use the money towards the dues for next year. We will be registering the troop in June. If you are not continuing, please let me know so I do not register your girl. I will let everyone know the amount they have for credit when we have the parent meeting going over cost for next year. Thank you!! Shannon

Sunday, May 20, 2012


I have the Yoga patches finally and forgot to pass them out at the car wash. I got one for all the girls even if they did not attend the event. Just talk about or do some Yoga. :) Here are the extra patches I have that some of you are probably missing.... 1 first aide, 2 tea party, 5 pink keys, 1 yellow lock, 2 100th anniversary, 1 manners count and 1 world thinking day. Let me know what you need. :) The car wash was a success!! We raised $150! Go troop 1460! Thank you!! Shannon

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Thank you!!!!

I am without words to express how thankful I am for all of you and your girls. Our troop is truly the BEST! I loved the framed photo with all the signatures of the girls. That is priceless! The gift cards were too nice of all of you as well. I really appreciate all of it, so a big thank you from the bottom (and top) of my heart! The girls seemed to enjoy today! There were so many great things to eat...thank you for all the donations! It was the first time we gave the girls 2nd and 3rd helpings. They played games, got their faces painted, and colored shirts for everyone to sign. I am in denial our meetings are over. This year went way too fast, but I am excited for next year. Chandra has volunteered her home for a parent meeting to discuss the new year plans, so she will let us know the date soon. (June most likely). We still need to take the final vote for our last hoorah for the cookie sales from this year too. Also, I will email you (when I finally get email on my computer again...can you say HUGE virus crash! ick) the total I need to refund you or apply to next years dues. If we register this summer, the neighborhood gets Brownies points. :) The only thing I missed today was taking a photo of any kind. Brought my big camera and everything, but with face painting and talking and signing shirts and enjoying our last meeting of the year...I forgot. Sorry! :) Again thank you all so very much!! Can't wait for our small adventures over the summer and to see what we can squeeze in 18 meetings next year!! haha xo Shannon

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 2nd

Today was a great and busy day. We voted on what to do with the carwash money....1/2 will go to a animal shelter and half will go to a homeless shelter. They also voted on what to do as an end of the year celebration. We will announce the decision at the next meeting and when it will take place. Should be fun! We talked about what kind of games and food should be at the carnival on May 16th. They want PIZZA! Girl Scouts will cover that part and the rest of the items will be potluck style. They have lots of ideas of what to bring, so watch out! haha We will try to accomodate the games they have suggested as well. After the voting, we drew self portraits. They colored them with oil pastels and some may have a baggie of them to finish their art. (Be careful...they do stain and can melt in the car, so that is why they are in a baggie). Last, they earned the last triangle patch for completing their journey! We have accomplished so much this year! Go troop 1460!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hello! Do not forget to RSVP for the carwash fundraiser on May 19th! If you want to bring something to share to eat at the carnival party on May 16th, let me know via evite as well :) Last, RSVP for May 5th for the yoga day please! Thank you!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

May 2nd

We have our next meeting on May 2nd. Only 2 more meetings! Yikes! The last one on the 16, we will have a carnival party. Should be fun! Couple things: 1. Still working on the refund for cancelled camp 2. Last call for RSVPs for yoga day on May 5th. I am ordering the patches! 3. If anyone wants to donate to the Just for me bags, please get it to me by May 2nd. I planned on dropping it all this week, but had two sick kids, so no driving downtown for me. :) 4. If anyone would like to donate candy (bulk) or cookies/biscottis for teacher appreciate week, Tisha and I are collecting the items to set up a candy bar on May 7th and delivering coffee on May 8th in the morning. Let me know if you want to bring anything or come help! :) Thank you all for everything you do!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Centennial Tree Planting

Today was the tree planting! We had a good time saying a few words for our tree, sang a song and planted the tree.
Thank you to Gwenz for the great snack and beautiful cake!
Also, thank you so much to those that gave items for the Just for Me Bags. Tisha and I are still collecting this week or if you would rather stop by Elevate Sat. at 12pm, please RSVP so they have food for you. I will not be there since I have an appt. at that time, but they would be happy to have anyone that RSVP's stop by!
You are all the best!

Go troop 1460!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Tree Planting

We will be planting our tree this Wed. at 3:30pm. Please have the girls wear their vest this day so I can get a group photo :)

Thank you!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Snow Day!

So camp day was snowed out after all! My friend that still planned on braving the snow on Sat. for camp called that morning to say that the camp was officially cancelled due to bad road conditions heading to the camp site! I am glad we cancelled earlier in the week and made alternative plans!
Camp day turned to a snow day! It was really fun to play in the snow for a few minutes and then run back into the clubhouse for snacks and crafts...haha.
Thank you to everyone who made the trek up and anyone who could not make it this time...summer will be here soon and we need another day, but this time with the pool involved. There is a patch for that, right? :)
We have the best troop ever!

PSA is uploaded!

Here is the link to vote for our Troop PSA!
I tried for hours to figure out how to convert our slide show to a file that the girl scout site would take, but could not figure it out. I had to upload the slide show file by file and it only took 12 slides. If your girl's slide got booted, I am so sorry!! If anyone has hurt feelings, we can take it down. After I saved the slide show, it took me straight to vote now and I could not edit it after that. :( Anyway, if we win, they re-do the whole thing with just our ideas from the slide show.
Go vote and share so others can vote too! :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Please RSVP for yoga day so we know how many to plan for and how many patches to buy.
Please make sure you are registered if you are attending camp with your girl.
(You can give me the rest of the money owed this week or at camp) Just write a check to Troop 1460 so I can keep track of it. Handing me a stack of cash is not a great idea...haha.
Last, we are collecting items for AZCA on April 18th at our tree planting ceremony. If you cannot get me your items by then, you can join us on April 20th at Elevate where Thrivent Financial is gathering items for the Just for me Bags too. :) We have a 1/2 day at school, so we will be stopping by there.
They expressed that they would love to see Girl Scouts there. It's at 1pm. They will provide food to eat. You can bring items from the list I emailed to put in the bags or just come and help fill. They will have items there to put in the bags. If your girls go, have them wear their uniforms and let me know you will be going so I can tell them how many to plan for. Let me know if you need suggestions of what to bring.
Camp list:
Wear comfy clothes and shoes, bring water bottle and sack lunch, wear sunscreen, bring a jacket since it may be chilly, and be ready to have fun!
Thank you!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


View the slide show here :)

Busy day!

Today we talked about First Aid and the girls earned a patch. It goes on the back of the vest. They got their dance photos finally and a dance patch (goes on the back). They got another patch for Cookie guessed it, goes on the back of the vest...haha.
They will still earn a yoga patch if they go to the May field trip, the last of the 4 triangle patches, and a manners patch. (Maybe a camp patch too if I find a cute one!)
The last thing we did was create the PSA....they did such a great job! I will post it later after it is edited. We will need lots of votes...they want to win!
Thank you to everyone for your patience with camp. I am excited for this fun day! Can't wait to see you all there!
Go troop 1460!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Just for me Bags

We will be collecting items for Just for Me Bags. AZCA was very excited we were able to support them!
We need the items on April 18th at our tree ceremony.

We are trying to make 17 bags for toddler/school age children.

Here is a list of items that we need: (You can ask friends and family for donations too!)
Kids shampoo
Small toy
Sippie cups
Outlet plug covers
Drawer safety latches

School age Children
Kids shampoo
Kids conditioner
Small toy

Items needed for all ages birth-18
Comb or brush
Handmade Blankets
New stuffed animals
Disposable cameras
Assorted toys
Hair accessories for girls

Additional Items
Gallon size zip lock bags
Monetary donations for duffle bags
Thank you for your support!

April Camp Day!

Here is what you need for camp:
I need the health cards I emailed you before the camp day so I can make a folder. :)
Please wear comfy clothes, closed-toed shoes, sunscreen and your vest. Please bring a sack lunch, large water bottle and some money for the trading post if you plan to shop.
Our agenda:
9:00am to 9:30am-check in at Willow Springs (meet at the Steiner building)
9:30am-11:00am Art and nature
11:00am-12:30 Ceramics
12:30-1:00 lunch
1:00 trading post
Clean-up and leave by 2pm

Take I-17 to State Route 69 at Cordes Junction. Take State Route 69 to Prescott (approximately 33miles). State Route 69 will connect with Gurley Street in Prescott. Take Gurley Street turnoff west through Prescott. Gurley Street curves through town and turns into Thumb Butte Road. Continue west on Thumb Butte Road. Just past Thumb Butte Park, road will become a dirt road. Go approximately 1.5 miles on dirt road to Willow Springs Road (look for the sign on the right side of road). Turn right to enter Willow Springs property. Continue 1/2 mile to the entrance of Willow Springs Program Center.

See you there!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

We only have one planet....

How are you going to make it better? Check out this link to find out how we are going to make a PSA!
Get those ideas ready for April 4th...we need to create something that day and then implement it too! We can talk a little at the Egg Hunt on 3/31 as well to get the girls started.
Let me know if you want to help...we could use a good video person since I am only good at photoshop or slide shows. ;)

Go green!


So the camp day is set for April 14th at 9:00am*. (*time will be confirmed when payment has been sent in) We will have two 1.5 hour events and a sack lunch there. Please be on time. Here are the directions....

Take I-17 to State Route 69 at Cordes Junction. Take State Route 69 to Prescott (approximately 33miles). State Route 69 will connect with Gurley Street in Prescott. Take Gurley Street turnoff west through Prescott. Gurley Street curves through town and turns into Thumb Butte Road. Continue west on Thumb Butte Road. Just past Thumb Butte Park, road will become a dirt road. Go approximately 1.5 miles on dirt road to Willow Springs Road (look for the sign on the right side of road). Turn right to enter Willow Springs property. Continue 1/2 mile to the entrance of Willow Springs Program Center.

We are excited to have our first day at Camp Willow Springs!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tree Planting

April 18th at 3:30pm will be the Tree dedication and planting to celebrate 100 years of girl scouting. Join us if you would like! We will have snacks after and talk about we can be a part of helping our earth.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Jungle Jill!

Tomorrow Jungle Jill is coming to see the girl scouts! I am so excited! She is bringing so many cool animals.
Photos to follow after the meeting :)

March 10th-Please have all money turned in for the cookie sales, so I can get the final deposits in before the last debit.
Thank you to Alyssa for being cookie mom again. We appreciate it!! :)
Also, thank you to Susan for making a cookie cupboard run when the Savannah Smiles were a must have item!

Field Trips
The field trip to the zoo was cancelled due to a shortage of people we needed to make our own tour. At the end of the year, we will be voting on field trips for next year and how the girls want to spend the money they have earned on cookie sales.

Please RSVP to the camp day on April 14th ASAP so we can collect the money and reserve the day at Willow Springs. We are staying the night as a family after the camp day, so if anyone wants to stay too, here are a list of places near where we will be staying. If you are not staying, maybe some families can carpool or take an extra girl if you can.
Public Service Announcement Contest
We get to make one that may be produced into a real PSA if we win the contest. Start having your girl think about if they could do anything to protect the Earth, what would it be? I think it would be fun to make a slide show or video. Anyone want to help produce? :)

If you are having Kristine iron on patches, please contact her at and give her $5 cash per vest.
If you are sending the vest for Elliot's grandma to sew the patches, please send the labeled vest and a baggie labled with the patches clipped to the vest by tomorrow so she can do them all at one time.
Thank you ladies for your generous offer to sew patches!

Go troop 1460!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

World Thinking Day!

Today is World Thinking Day! The theme for World Thinking Day 2012 is girls worldwide say "we can save our planet." The girls should have a patch and a paper to fill out on how they can help the environment.
The council site said this patch can go on the front since it is an official patch. I am not sure where it goes yet. :) I will post that when I find out.

The girls went outside today to sketch something in nature. Most of them said they felt calm, peaceful and happy from their adventure. We have a very smart and fun group of girls.
Next time we meet on March 7th is a special day. We have Jungle Jill coming to visit!! She arrives at 3:30 after we have a quick snack. The 1st grade Daisy Troop will be joining us as well.
We are super excited for her to visit!! If you look at the site and see an animal your child would like to visit, I will try to have her bring it. It will depend on how many she can bring (about 10) and if it is up for travel the day of our event. Please email me any suggestions though! :)

Are your patches falling off? Well, Jadyn's are! I am thinking I will be taking her vest to a seamstress to get the patches to stay on. Here is the diagram for the triangle patches. The other patches that they have earned go on the back of the vest. We have the 100th year, the tea party, the cooking patch if they attended, Build a Bear, Peter Piper and now the World thinking (that goes on the front).

Cookie Sales Update
Our council has sold 2,668,147 packages so far! Our troop alone has sold nearly 3,000! I am so proud of our troop for being so amazing! We have one more booth day left from 12-2pm on 2/25 and then we will just be wrapping up individual sales. We will be having a parent/girl meeting at a park soon to talk about what we would like to do with the troop money. The girls have lots of ideas, so it should be fun!

Go Troop 1460!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Booth cuteness!

I love the table set up that Elliot's Grandma made...thank you!
Love these cute girls too! Great job on booth sales Troop 1460!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cookie Money and Booths

Please make sure you have at least 1/2 of your money turned in by Feb. 20th. That is one week from tomorrow. I am writing one check for my full amount to make it easier, but if you have collected cash that is great. Please just no personal checks from anyone but you. :)

Second, our first booth will be this Wed. at the Norterra Farmer's market. There are still spots open if you would like to join us!

Remember your girl needs to "work" at least one booth slot to be a part of the split of the cookie booth sales. They will also get a patch. :)

Some rules for the cookie booths:
Click on image to enlarge, but general rules are:
1. No running or horseplay
2. Do not approach cars or leave the booth area
3. Cash only
4. 2 adults at the booths at all times and no more than 4 girls
5. Adults keep the money and turn in at the end of their shift.
6. Girls are being respectful and in uniform
7. Please do not arrive more than 5 minutes before shift and clean up after shift.
8. Leave a thank you note for the manager of the location
9. No eating, drinking or chewing gum while talking with customers
10. Have fun!
The addresses are listed to the right on the very top.

See you at the booth sales!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

2/8 Meeting and Cookie Money

Hello! This week we had a great meeting. The girls had a great snack...thank you Kayla! We talked about manners and we made signs for the cookie booths. We squeezed in a home-made valentine too :) We ran a little behind since we ended up having a 20 minute surprise talk on lice. Some girls were playing with each others hair while we were having our floor talk time and I explained with how bad 2nd grade has lice going around the things we should not be doing. (Sharing hats, clips, brushes, jackets, etc) So, if your girl starts to ask you to check their head for bugs, you will know why...haha. :) It really is going around bad right now. Our class has gotten lots of pink notes sent home, so it was a much needed talk. (Click on links to see photos or get more information...the girls were asking about what they looked like.)
On a happier note, they got a cooking patch if they went to Alexis' house for the Dizzy Whisk, a patch for the tea party we have last month and one to celebrate 100 years of girl scouts. These all go on the back of the vest.
Cookie sales
Hope you all have contacted Alyssa to get your cookies. Please make sure to collect money as soon as you can and give to me or Alyssa so we have enough money on Feb. 24th to allow council to debit half of the cookie money out. Last year they waited until the end of cookie sales, but this year they are splitting the payments, so please try to have your pre-sales money collected and turned in by February 20th.
Thank you!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The zoo

Please RSVP to the evite for the Zoo night asap so we can reserve the date of April 21st. If we have less than 25 people, we will have to move the date to April 14th for the public day.
Thank you!

Dizzy Whisk

Thank you to Shana and Alexis for hosting the cooking class. I will getting the cooking patches to the girls soon! :)

Girl Scout Dance

I love our troop....such sweet girls! Thank you to everyone who attended the dance. I hope you had a great time!