Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year!

Cookie Sales
Thank you to everyone who made the meeting! I am excited to see what we sell this year. Should be so fun. If you missed the meeting, please email Alyssa, our cookie mom, to see when the next date you can pick up your sales info. Sales start Jan. 7th at 9am....please no sooner. The council keeps an eye for parents trying to sell cookies before the start date. :)

The Girly Girlz Event
Let us know if your girl needs a ride so we can make sure we have room. We hope to be back at my house by 6pm.
Thank you to everyone who has already paid! Please RSVP and get me the $20 per girl ASAP. I have to pay in full by Jan. 20th. I have only paid for 10 girls so far.

The Dance
Please make sure I have your $10 per couple by Jan. 9th, so I can pay in full for the dance by our next leader meeting.
We will be meeting at the dance (dad's and daughters). No limo this year. The check-in starts at 6:45pm. You can bring the 2 cans of food to the dance to donate at the door.

Next Meeting

The next meeting for the girls is Jan. 11th. We will be able to tell them we were picked to plant a tree at the school!!! So exciting.

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Good News!!!

We were selected as one of 100 troops to receive a tree to plant at our school!!

The girls will be so excited. I find out more in January, but wanted to share some good news! :)

Sunday, December 18, 2011


I have sent out a evite for the Girly Girlz field trip. Please RSVP, as soon as you can. We need 10 girls to be able to book. It is $19.95 plus tax, so just get me $20 to make it easier by this Wed. the 21st if your Brownie is going.
Thank you!

Help needed

Derek Michlitsch and his family are in need of food tidings and gas cards. He is back in the sad! Read here about his family and updates for his recovery.
Here is the link if you want to take them a meal.
Thank you for all you do!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Field Trip!

January 27th at 2:30pm (changed to 3:30pm since this is a school day), we will be going to Girly Girlz to get a glitter updo and make a bear for a Children's Hospital. Please RSVP to the evite so we know how many will be there. This will be before the dance at 7pm.
Thank you!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

January Updates!

Cookie time is almost here. We will be having a parent meeting before Jan. 7th. Look for an email soon with details. It will be a short meeting since we have done this before. :)
The new factor this year is boothing. We can have up to 4 girls with 2 adults at each booth. Details will be discussed at the meeting.

The He and She Dance theme is Winter Wonderland.
It will be Jan. 27th from 7-9pm. Please have your $5 per person to me by Jan. 11th (our next meeting). They are also asking you bring 2 cans of food per person. There will be light refreshments and photos being taken there for $10 (cash only for 2-8x10s) More can be purchased online after the dance.
The location is St. Rose Church 2825 W. Rose Canyon Circle in Anthem

Last, we will be having a field trip to Girly Girlz before the dance to make a bear to donate to a Children's Hospital and get a glitter updo. It will be $20 for this event. I will send an evite after I confirm the time.

See you soon!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Polar Express

Today was a very fun Polar Express Day! Thank you Megan for snack...hope Miss Mayberry enjoys a long vacation with you!

Today we had cocoa and cookies, heard the story of the polar express, got a bell (can you hear it?) and made a plate for Santa Cookies. Note: These plates were colored with permanent markers, but one girl scout wiped off a mistake with a clorox wipe. I would dry wipe with a paper towel or cloth if cleaning it and only wet it if necessary. I would be sad if their great designs were ruined.

Thank you to everyone for all the donations!!!

Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

See the girls in 2012!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Reminder for 12/14

Tomorrow is our meeting! Please remember to turn in your item for the Raab family if you were donating an item(s).
Also, please remember to bring a wrapped new or gently used book for the sister exchange.

Thank you soo much! Happy December....cannot believe it is almost 2012!

Monday, December 5, 2011


Quick updates:
Dec. 10th is the bake sale for Cookies for Kids Cancer. See details to the right. Hope you can make it! :)

Dec. 14th is the only meeting this will be a Polar Express day. Hot chocolate, cookies and a story! We will also make a plate for Santa cookies.
Please remember to send your child with a new or gently used wrapped book to exchange with a sister scout. If you cannot get a book, please let me know so I can have one there for your child.

Also, please have your item to donate to the Raab family to me by Dec. 14th. I would love to be able to give them the gifts on that day. If you need me to pick it up, just call or text me. 602-751-6812. You can also give your item(s) to Tisha.

Thank you so much for everything! I cannot believe 2012 is coming up so quickly!!

We are so lucky to have the best troop!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We have so much to be thankful for! The girls wrote why they are thankful for each other sweet! They also wrote a letter to Mr. Ettenborough about helping the school with a large sun shade at the parent pick-up area. We had a great snack...thank you Erin! We had a bonus of pumpkin pie as well...yum!!
The girls have so many ideas of how to help and for this they earned the pink Key for taking action by writing the letter, planning out how to help the community and each other. If your girl missed the meeting, they will get the key at the next meeting. (I have Claire's as well since she was afraid to lose it without her backpack with her) :)
The final piece (the lock) will be give when they can complete the mission they set out to do. Date....TBD. :)

The Raab family gifts need to be turned in to our next meeting on Dec. 14th or before. They are so thankful that the list was completed! If anyone wants to add coats or gift cards for their girls to get coats, let me know! Thank you for all everyone did!

Also, the school has a board up in the office of kids in need from Norterra for a gift this holiday season. Just wanted to mention it since I didn't know until Mrs. Centa told me about it. Great thing to do with your child. :)

For Dec. 14th, please bring a new or gently used book wrapped for the girls' secret sister gift exchange. I was going to have them draw names, but thought it would be too hard for them to hold in that secret, so they will draw a name of who to give their book to at the meeting. For this reason, please make the book 2nd grade reading level appropriate since we do not know who will be getting what books. :)
We will have a Polar Express Day for our next meeting. Megan is the snack helper, but Tisha and I will provide milk and cookies for the storytime as well.
Everyone is welcome to join us!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Eggs Event!

Over 1,000 pairs of Pjs were donated from the Pjs and Eggs Event! Thank you again for helping make that possible!
Go Troop 1460!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thank you!

Our list to help the Raab family is almost complete. Thank you! We truly have the best troop around and I am so thankful for all of you!
The Raabs will be so happy!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Today was a great meeting. The girls earned the connect Key. It has a yellow key with the blue elf. Here is the diagram for the placement.
They planned on two events to help the community. One is to help the Raab family with holiday donations. Alysha will also be visiting our troop after the 1st of the year. See the list here.
If anyone wants to join us for her birthday/cancer free party, it is next Wed. at 5pm. Email me for details. :)
We also wrote our letter to the principal to get approval for the sail to shade the front of the school. We hope to hear back soon.
Last, we turned in the paperwork to try and be one of 100 troops that will be able to plant a tree for girl scouts. We should know by Dec. 20th.
The girls were very excited.
Their project was to create a dream board. It was things they want to do in life or become when they grow up. It was cute to see how they saw themselves or the things they want to do.
Thank you Claire for snack! Hope you have fun with Miss Mayberry!
See you all soon!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

PJ and Eggs

The event for PJs and Eggs went so well. I loved that we had our own room and it was buffet style so there was no waiting. :)

AzCA was so thankful that we brought in sooo many PJs to donate! We filled the box! You are all so amazing. Thank you for being so generous (we had donations even from families that could not make it!) and making it a fun event!
Here are some photos from the night...Mr. Moose was very popular! :)

Raab Family

Hello again!

Just wanted to give you a heads up that in Dec. we will be collecting donations to gift to the Raab family for the Holidays. I think the girls will be much happier collecting items for a family they know rather than a random one that is assigned to us.
The idea is to support the family with a few gifts so they can have some items that are needed. These are basic need items that are hard for them to afford right now due to all of the medical bills from the year of Alysha's treatments.
Here is the list so you can have it ahead of time. Do not feel like you have to donate, but I know when I talked with the Raab family, they were so grateful for everything the troop has done and given this year. Alysha will also be visiting our troop at one of the meetings after the 1st of the year, so the girls can ask questions and tell her how happy they are for her recovery.

The List:
Basic Items:
Fuzzy slippers- 2 large and 1 medium
Pj pants- 1 small and 2 large
Beauty Goods:
Lotions and bath stuff
Falsy mascara (2)
Light eyeshadow for Alysha
Medium curling iron
Nail Polish
Britney Spears perfume-(Curious)
Gift cards:
Fry's Grocery
3 disposable cameras that are waterproof (underwater cameras)
The reason for 3 is Alysha has two older teenage sisters (Bre and Katie)
It is humbling to think of what this family has and is still enduring emotionally and financially. I am so thankful for all of our healthy kids!
Thank you in advance!!

Healthy Living

Please do not forget to return your healthy living agreement on Wed. (11/9) your Brownie should have given you after our last meeting. If you do not have one, just write down what you can do to be healthier as a family. (Ex: take walks together, eat less sugar, or anything you and your Brownie can think of)

Excited for our meeting Wed.!

Go Troop 1460!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Quick Updates

Do not forget that this Friday is the PJs and Eggs event. It is also the Norterra Family Movie Night, so we understand if you cannot make it.

Please RSVP to the evite Colleen sent out either way so we have a good head count for a table where we can all be in the same area.

Also, Mrs. Beatty (Karlie's mom) said she would save a seat for any girl scouts that want to try to make the movie at the school after dinner. Please email her at if you want her to save you a seat. :)

Thank you to everyone for being so awesome! We are so lucky to have an amazing troop!!!
Go Troop 1460!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Field Trips!

We had an amazing field trip to Old Mac Donald farm and to Micheal's Craft Store this month!
I need to create a slide show of all the great photos, but for now here is one from the craft store. :)

Special Guest

We had a special guest at our last meeting. Skylar, a cadette girl scout, came by to talk with the girls about her experiences and fun she has had within her troop. The girls had lots of good questions for her. After that we made the girl scout recipe to make treat bags for the staff at Norterra. The 2nd grade team got an extra special gift of $5 to starbucks as well. :)
The girls made cards for their sweet!
We are lucky to have such an amazing troop!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Family in Need

Another troop leader passed this on to us about a 15 year old girl in the Anthem area. So sad. (See below for details)

Katie Wagner is a 15yr old that has been diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma, stage 4 bone and lung cancer. The Wagner Family have been long time Anthem residents. Katie has started her battle and we would like to ask you all to support her in several ways.
First and foremost, please keep Katie in your thoughts and prayers.
Second, the medical bills are sure to become a major burden to the family so there are several events being planned.

On Saturday, October 29th Hands Across Anthem will start at 8 AM. Chanel 10 News will be broadcasting from the event so that Katie can watch it at the hospital and a radio station may also be out there.
ALSO on Saturday, October 29th there will be a car wash at the CVS on the north west Corner of Anthem Way and Gavilan Peak Parkway from 10 AM to 1 PM to benefit Katie..

There have also been two bank accounts set up for donations to be given to Katie at Mid First Bank and Wells Fargo Bank, ask for the "Katie Wagner Donation Account".

Other things that have been arranged are home meals, lawn care, home cleaning, food at the hospital and much, much more.

There will be other fundraising opportunities planned on a monthly basis so please keep up to date on these through our email blasts.

Hands Across Anthem
Helping Hands Across Anthem
Give a hand up to a family in need.
Support this 15 year old girl Katie Wagner who was just
diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung and Bone cancer.
Saturday October 29
Line up starts at Anthem and Gavilan Peak Parkway. Anthem coming
together and holding hands across Anthem east on Anthem Way. Lets
see if we can make it all the way down Anthem Way east and around to
Meridian Road!!!
$ 1.00 Per Hand
Please call Casey D. Cottrell @ 623.551.3156
Let see if we can come up with 3000 hands!
Go troop 1460!
So thankful all of our kiddos are healthy!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Don't forget

We have a meeting today after school and Thursday at 6pm we have the field trip to Michael's. See you there!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


If anyone would like to donate to The Raab family, they are trying to recover financially now from all of the medical bills.
The email to use to send money is
Any amount helps! :)
Thank you!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Nov. 4th!

The PJ's and Eggs event will be Nov. 4th at 5:30pm. The Good Egg sadly is not hosting it this year, so we are going to Over Easy at 9375 E. Bell Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
It is for a great cause! We are helping to collect Pj's for AZCA. The foster children many times are taken from their homes with nothing, so a new pair of jammies can really make a child's day. Old Navy and Costco are great places to buy inexpensive ones. Please wear your PJ's and bring a new pair to donate! Over Easy is excited that Girl Scouts are coming!! Go Troop 1460!
(Look for the evite to RSVP so I can give them a head count by Oct. 30th)

Also, March 7th Jungle Jill will be visiting our girl scouts! 10 animals to see and possibly exciting!
This will be a very special meeting. :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Discovery Key!

Today the girls earned their discovery key. We are working through a journey book, "It's Your World, Change It!" and here is a link to see what each key represents.
Here is where to place the new key patches.
Gally brought frogs and pencils made from food for snack. Ms. Dani, you outdid yourself!! Thank you Gally for snack...have fun with Miss Mayberry!

Today we did so many other things...we shared our family stars, we played pass the ball as a team (the girls did amazing of course!), we made a chart about how to work as a team, we made Erin a card (she broke her elbow and we hope she feels better soon!), we made 3 day walk cards to send to some people doing the walk, and last we made a recipe for girl scouts. See here to read the list. We left out the nuts, but the rest was in there ;)

We do not meet again until Oct. 26th due to parent/teacher conferences.

Hope to see you on Oct. 23rd at the Farm (please rsvp to the evite Colleen sent) and the 27th at Micheal's. Both should be very fun days!

Last, the girls wanted to make a video to tell Erin they miss her and we all hope she is better soon!
We missed you Erin!!
Troop 1460

Monday, October 3, 2011


Here are some updates for our troop...
1. The farm day has been moved to Old Mac Donald Ranch
If you got my email for Groupon, you can use that. Otherwise, it is $7 per person if you bring a can of food to donate. $8 per person without the canned food donation. The date is set for Oct. 23rd most likely. We will have the RSVP crew send the evite soon with exact day and time. :)

2. Nov. 4th will be the PJ and Egg event again at 5:30pm at Over Easy in Scottsdale. You wear your Pj's and bring a pair to donate to AZCA.

3. Tisha and I will not be attending the 3 day walk event, but feel free to go support the walkers if your family wants to Nov. 12th or 13th!
Go Troop 1460!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

3 Day Walk Support

Nov. 12th and 13th the 3 day walk administration has asked for troops to bring supplies to support the walkers. In our meeting, we will make cards and signs, but we can also plan on being there one of the days to cheer these walkers on!
Ideas for what to bring are the following for the walkers; water bottles, popsicles, hard candy, spray bottles for misting the walkers, plastic bags for trash (walkers will really appreciate the option to throw away candy wrappers, water bottles, etc.). Be creative but be mindful of the fact that walkers cannot carry a lot of items.
•You can display banners and/or posters in support of the walkers or display your troop information.
•Girl Scout Breast Cancer TShirts will be available at the Council Shop in October.
A fellow troop leader and friend from high school is walking! If you would like to donate, please click here. She could use any amount of help since they need to raise $2000 to even walk the 60 miles! :)
Thank you!
More details soon! :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


The girls worked hard today tying blankets...we were glad to have extra help was needed ;)
I forgot to take a photo of all of them! They did a great job!
They did page 50 in their workbooks. They have some homework to do...
Homework due 10/5: They should have a star paper that is double sided that you can fill out as a family. Let me know if your girl does not have one and I can get you one or you can just draw a star on any paper. Turn to page 51 in their book as a guide for what to put in the star. No need to get super fancy...this is just something they can do with you to bring back to share at the next meeting.
We have almost completed the 3 keys to getting their first patch!
1. They discovered their talents
2. They discovered the values of the girl scout law
3. They will discover their family talents and values in this project
They need to bring their completed star and books to the next meeting (Oct. 5th)
Gally is the next snack helper!
Miss Mayberry went home with Skye today...thank you Skye for snack!
*Reminder for snacks...please be mindful in chosing what you send for snack. Fruits, veggies and cheese are the best choices. Sugar makes the girls a bit hyper as well as we are trying to set a good example for healthy eating. Something with 10-11 grams of sugar does not seem too high when you compare to a Capri Sun drink that has 20 grams of sugar, but really the snacks with 10 grams of sugar may have 8-10 TEASPOONS of sugar in it. That is the maximum daily amount anyone should have. Add that to the sugary pizza sauce the kids may have on pizza Wed. and the kids are on a sugar roller coaster. Hopping off the soap box now...we just want to set a good example for the girls. :)
If you are wanting to send a healthy snack and it needs refrigeration, Tisha or I would be happy to take it the night before and bring it the day of our meeting.
Thank you for all you do!!!
Enjoy reading about the Girl Scout Law and creating your stars.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Build-A-Bear Fun!

Today was so fun!! The girls seemed to really enjoy the event. The patch they got today goes on the back of their vest.
Thank you to all of the parents for helping and bringing your girls today!
I can't wait for more fun trips coming this year!

Friday, September 16, 2011


Just a reminder that we have a Build-A-Bear field trip tomorrow at 10:30am. Please be about 5 minutes early so we are ready to go when they call us in since we have so many coming.
Meet at the entrance of the store located in Arrowhead Mall, lower level near east side of the mall.
No food or drinks are allowed in the store.
Please bring cash or check if your child will want to spend more than the $12 allowed. For $10-$12 they can choose from 2-3 bears or a chocolate colored dog. Most of the other animals are around $18-$25 if you think your child will want to upgrade.
This is a team building event to let the girls make their own bear like Miss Mayberry that visits our snack helpers. They will get a girl scout patch for their friend and themselves. There will be lots of fun and friendship from this adventure!
See you then!
My cell number is 602-751-6812 if you need to get ahold of me.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Family Fun Night

At the zoo!!!
We are planning a adventure at the zoo after hours! This memorable experience includes a guided trail hike, a private train tour, animal encounters, activities, a late night snack and night camp souvenir. Camp ends at about 10 pm, making it perfect for younger or older campers who prefer to sleep in their own beds!

Ages 5 and up (all children must be accompanied by an adult)

Non-member Price: $40.00
Members Price: $35.00

Dates open:
October 22
November 19
December 17*
January 7*
February 18
March 24
April 14
We need are deciding on the date now, but need to ask if you want this to be a girl scout funded trip (for the girls) or if each family should be in charge of covering the cost of their girl.
If all 18 went, it would cost our troop around $720.
We will be taking a vote soon.
Thank you!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Good news!!

The 6th grader at Norterra battling cancer has been cleared of cancer in her scans today!! She is cancer free!!!! Thought I should share because so many of you donated to their family.
They can still use meals and cash cards or money donations to off set the medical expenses from this long journey, so here is the food tiding link one more time.
Thank you Girl Scouts for all you have done for the Raab Family!!!
Go Alysha!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Great job!

The girls did a great job today!! I think we are off to a great start. We went over their talents and specials qualities that they bring to the troop and they had some great answers.
They got their insignia tabs with the Girl Scout membership pin. The WAAGS pin from their Daisy tab should be put on this vest now above the Brownie pin.
They also got their new books. Please have them bring these books to each meeting.
Next meeting we will be talking more about their talents and also their families. This year we hope to have more discussions, earn the key patches to changing their world and lots of Try-it badges!
Thank you to Lauren for snack! Skye is up next!
We brainstormed healthy snack ideas and this is what they all came up with...
Oranges, sun chips, apples, strawberries,frozen grapes, bananas, blueberries, carrots, Hummus and pitas, veggies, ants on a log with cream cheese, cheese and crackers, kiwi, spinach, bagels and cream cheese, watermelon, cucumbers, fruits, veggies, rice cakes, sandwiches, and pita pizzas! Smart girls!
I found this blog this summer and it has really helped me to understand eating healthier. She is a bit of an extremist, but I use a lot of her recipes...coconut flour is one of my new favorites.
Do not forget the Build a Bear field trip September 17th at 10:30am.
See you all soon!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Meeting!!

Tomorrow (September 7th) is our first meeting in room 201! We will meet from 3:00pm-4:45pm.
Please let your child know we will meet them in the shade by where the 2nd grade classes line up in the morning. The flag pole is too hot for triple digits...we need shade! :)
Please have them wear their vests if they have them even if the patches are not on yet.
We will have supplies for them to use. :)
See your Brownies soon!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who made the trip to PPP tonight and for all of the volunteers willing to help out! We have the best troop...great parents and kiddos. I know this year will be so much fun!
Highlights from the meeting if you missed or are not an auditory learner (like myself)
Uniforms are all size M. If it is way too big, you can trade them at the council office. Patch diagrams can be found here. Third page has the Brownie diagram.
We will pass out the new girl books at the first meeting as well as the new tab with pins.
Please iron or sew the patches given to you before our first meeting on September 7th if possible. The rainbow patch from the bridging ceremony will go on the brown vest. :) Official patches and try-its will go on the front of the vest. Any other non-offical patches go on the back...anywhere I believe.
Meetings: We are meeting in room 201 again this year. Snack helpers are listed on the blog under snack schedule and below.
Sept. 21st-Skye
Oct. 5th-Gallatin
Oct. 26th-Elliot
November 9th-Claire
November 23rd-Erin
December 14th-Megan
January 11th- Jadyn
January 25th-Karlie
February 8th-Kayla
February 22nd-Kalyn
March 7th-Cierra
April 4th-Alexis
April 18th-Gwenz
May 2nd-Madison C. & Savannah
May 16th-Temi & Madison M.

Please let us know if you cannot bring snack on your assigned day and we will trade you with another girl.
We will be having healthy snacks this year aside from the occasional treat for parties or birthdays that will be served at the end of the meetings.
Please let us know if you need help thinking of a healthy snack.
Water will be served by the leaders. We are still a NO NUT troop since we have a severe food allergy in our group.
Snacks can be store bought or homemade...we all know we wash our hands in our troop. Jennifer found this out tonight at the meeting. LOL

Here are the committees for this year...
1. RSVP Coordinator-Colleen: (Main Coordinator)
Co-coordinators: Tiffany and Sandie
Job: Take turns sending evites for the field trips and charity events.
Also, send leader(s) the list of attending girls so we have a way to track the girls and money owed, etc.
2. Field trip advisors- Shana, Chandy, Kristine, and Susan
Research ideas for field trips and send the leader(s) the details so we can plan the best month and time for the troop. We will typically have one field trip per month unless we have a charity event that month or cookie sales.
3. Charity Coordinators: Dani and Lori
Find charitable causes or activities for the girls to do that correspond with our lessons and get details to the leader(s). We will probably have about 2-3 charities to support or events this year.
*First on the agenda....get awning or large umbrella for Norterra Canyon.

4. Cookie Sales Team- Cheryl, Jennifer, and Sandie
Our cookie mom, Alyssa, will need support to pick up cookies (need trucks for this). Cookie deliveries or prize delivery may be needed as well.
Also, we need booth spots to be scouted out and approval obtained prior to the booth sale dates.
Last, we will need 2 adults to be at each booth sales table to monitor and help the girls.
*More details closer to the cookie sale date since booth sales will be a new thing this year.

5. Arts and Crafts Coordinators: Jennifer, Lori, and Kristine
We will need help cutting fabric, sewing, and helping in general with anything that is craft or fabric related...I cannot sew worth anything, so thank you for those who can.
Let me know if I forgot anything or anyone. The help is greatly appreciated!

Really I cannot express how thankful and excited I am about this year. You are all amazing and make this the best Brownie Troop ever!!!
Go Troop 1460!!

Raab Family

The Raab family could still use our support if anyone can donate meals. They are on the home stretch!
Here is the link to view the dates for Food tidings. Thank you!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

October field trip!

We have a great field trip coming up on October 27th from 6pm-7pm at the Michael's located at ....
2829 W Agua Fria Fwy
Phoenix, AZ 85027
Please RSVP to the evite so they have enough crafts for the girls.
Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New Troop Neighborhood

The girl scout troops all belong to a neighborhood that house other troops nearby. We are now part of the Desert Mountain Neighborhood. This doesn't change anything for our troop aside from leader meetings being at Anthem School now. There will also be opportunities for us to meet other troops for big events such as the He and Me dance, Jump Street night, songfest and much more! Here is the Neighborhood site to see what is going on.

This will be such a great year! :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Snack Ideas!

Thank you to Chandra for sending this link to a healthy list of snack ideas!
Yum! :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Welcome Back!

We have approval from Norterra to use room 201 again! Yay!
Here are the dates we have set so far...we will meet at 3pm-4:45pm.
Sept. 7th and 21st
Oct. 5th and 26th
November 9th and 23rd
December 14th
January 11th and 25th
February 8th and 22nd
March 7th
April 4th and 18th
May 2nd and 16th
We will have snack helpers taking Miss Mayberry home again this year.
*See sidebar for the dates you are assigned for snack. If you cannot do that date, please let me know so we can trade you with another girl.
Important dates:
August 30th we will have the parent meeting from 6pm-7pm at PPP off Carefree Hwy. I will get the girls each 10 tokens, so you can eat before coming or be in charge of getting your own pizzas to eat there.
We will be discussing the 4 committees for this year, plans for the year, and giving out uniforms. Hope to see you there!
4 committees will be...
1. RSVP Coordinator (Send out evites for our field trips and events)
2. Field trip advisor (Researches field trip ideas and gets the leader the details so we can plan what is best for the troop)
3. Charity Coordinator (Finds charities that need support or other charitable activies for the girls to do that correspond with our lessons)
4. Cookie sales Team (Support to the cookie mom and leaders during cookie sales) Ex: Find locations for booths, pick up or deliver cookies and help at the first pick up of cookies for pre-sales.
Welcome back troop builder
Join us at Build-A-Bear Workshop®
on September 17th (10:30am-12:30pm)
Arrowhead Towne Center
7700 W. Arrowhead Towne Cntr.
Glendale, AZ 85308
Telephone: 623-773-3964
Each girl will get $10 to buy a bear. Any additional items or higher priced animals will be at parent discretion and expense. :)
Please welcome Gwenz! She is our newest member that was on the waiting list from last year when we started the troop.
She is excited to join us this year!
Please let me know if you have any questions...Tisha and I are ready for another amazing year!
See you soon!

Monday, August 15, 2011

First day of School!

I hope all of the Brownie Scouts have a great first day of school!!

I am waiting for the school to approve our days and the use of the room.

I think the first meeting will be September 7th. :)

The parent meeting will be August 3oth around 6pm to go over the committees for this year, the schedule, and pick up uniforms.
Details soon on that. :)

Get ready for a great year!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Hello there!

September will be when girl scouts are back up and running. I will have dates soon after I get the paperwork approved from the district.
Hope you all had an amazing summer!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Troop Dues

If you do not have your troop dues in, your Brownie will not be renewed into the troop for next year unless you have made arrangements with me or the council about non-payment or reduced fees. Please get the money to me ASAP, so our full troop can be registered. Thank you!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Raab Family

Thank to everyone who has brought meals to the Raab family! They have the rest of the month to get through the last bit of chemo, so if anyone wants to bring them a meal or gift card, they would greatly appreciate it! :)
You can sign up here.
Thank you!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dues and Puppy Help!

Hello everyone!
Hope your summer is going great! Reminder that July 1st is when the registration and money for the upcoming year is due. *If you cannot pay all at once we can make arrangements.
Also, while buying pet food today, we ran across the pet adoptions and it makes me soooo sad! If you want to drop anything for the dogs and puppies to help them out, please let me know. They can use blankets, pet food (Purina Pro plan), toys, money donations, or anything else you can think of such as kennels, dog beds, leashes, collars, etc. I will make a donation drop every weekend to them, but hope to have a lot collected by next Sat.
I hoped to do this pet drive next year and still will, but they really are getting lots of dogs dropped off this summer and need help so badly! :(
Thank you!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

New updates

Please remember that I need your money and registration form by July 1st 2011 to register our troop. *If you cannot pay by then, please contact me for special arrangements.

Also, please do not forget to help the Raab family with meals this summer if you can. Alysha has chemo through August and the family really appreciates the help! :)
Click here to sign up for a date!
Thank you!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone that was able to make the trip to Prescott! It was a great time despite a few long car rides and pizza taking forever! haha

Lucky for the kids, their parents brought lots of snacks! :)

I know our troop is large, but they are such a tight group and I love that!

If you did not get your registration page from me, I have them. They just need to be signed and payment for the year is due July 1st.

We will have a meeting in August (details later this month) for parents to go over committees that will be in place this year as well as plans for the year. Some examples are field trips, special service projects, RSVP person, & cookie sales. Be thinking if you are willing to be on one of the committees....I know a couple categories already have people willing to help and that is so great!

Thank you again!

Monday, May 30, 2011


Yay....Prescott! I am excited for Sat. (Can you tell?)
Here is the menu for Bill's Pizza
Reminder: Please bring a snack to share for 37-40 people and leave a comment on the evite with what you are bringing so I can fill in the blanks on anything we will need. (Please no shellfish or peanuts) I will bring water, tea, otter pops and juice boxes.
Tenative plan:12:00pm-Pizza at the clubhouse (see directions to get there below)
1:00pm-Crafts (Heart boxes and letters to the Daisy troop)
2:00pm-Scavenger hunt at the park and playtime
3:00pm- Snacks/Let girls hang out back at the clubhouse
4:00pm-Fun day is done, but feel free to still hang around. :)
It looks like the weather will be about 75 degrees....perfect, but probably not warm enough to swim unless you like very cold water. I would bring a hoodie just in case too.

Directions: Merge onto I-17 N. -Merge onto AZ-69 N via EXIT 262 toward PRESCOTT Next, take the GURLEY ST ramp toward BUSINESS DISTRICT ,Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto E GURLEY ST/AZ-89. Continue to follow E GURLEY ST (turns into THUMB BUTTE RD), Turn LEFT onto PLAZA DR. Parking in the complex is very little, so turn left into parking lot just past bowling alley. I think it is a group home. Walk to up to the first street at Creekside circle and go left and you will see the club house on left side of the road. There will be balloons outside of the clubhouse. If you get lost call my cell....602-751-6812 or David's cell 602-751-6815.

Also, I have the registration packets and will bring them on Sat. to sign your girl up for next year. It is $133.00 or so for the whole year. I will bring a detailed sheet with prices for you to see, but if you need to wait until July 1st to pay, that is fine too. :)
See you then!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

June 4th

June 4th will be the family Prescott Day from 12pm-4pm.
Please RSVP to your evite, so we have enough supplies for everyone!
It will be a fun day! Bring a snack to share and your swimsuit, towel and maybe a hoody! :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Thank you!!

Thank you to everyone who came to the Daisy party and a big thank you for all of the food and goodies that were brought! There was a great buffet of food! :)
I love my gift cards and daisy plant sweet ladies! I hope I can keep it alive! If it doesn't make it, please forgive me...I am not good with live ;)
This has been the best year and I am really looking forward to next year!
Go troop 1460!

Details on Dues and payment....

Since we have money in our account this year (hurray!) we will not need payment for dues and uniforms until July 1st 2011. It would be great if the whole payment could be made with one check, but if not, please let me know.
Here is the break down....

The total for the uniform is $46.50
$15 was for the bridging kit, brownie pin, new tab and book for next year.
See the photo for more details on what I will order for the uniform...the items will be $31.50 from the photo minus the sash. (It is too small to hold all of the patches)
Dues will still be $3 per meeting, so about $54 for the year if we have 18 meetings.
There will be an optional donation of $20 per girl to help cover the room fee. It is $20 per meeting for us to use the school. If everyone gave $20 for the year, it would cover the cost of the room and leave the dues to be used for projects.
$46.50-Uniform, kit and book
$20-Room fee
Girl Scout council fees-$12 (Goes to main office)
Total for next year- $132.50 ($7.36 per meeting on average)
*Note: The total may change slightly if we meet more than 18 times. I will know after we get confirmation from the office of when we can use the school.
If you cannot pay part or any of the fees, let me know and we will work it out.
The new registration forms will be ready at the end of May or early June.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Thank you!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tea Party

You are invited to our last meeting on May 18th at 3pm in room 201.
It is our last meeting and the girls have a performance for you!
Go troop 1460!!

Official Brownies!

The Bridging Ceremony went so well! The girls are amazing and I loved all of the things they liked about Daisies and what they are looking forward as Brownies.
I have to say this year has been so amazing! I will admit, I had reservations about being a GS leader. I have never been a girl scout, so thinking about the big responsibility of knowing the promise and law and then teaching the girls about being a scout seemed a bit scary. I am so glad I took the chance to try it out because I would have missed seeing these girls make amazing growth, I got the best notes and cards from them, hugs, good times, smiles, and memories I will never forget! As a mom, I am so happy Jadyn has been able to form friendships with these girls. They are smart, sweet and are great friends to have.
I am looking forward to another 2 years with the troop as Brownies and I want to thank you for trusting me to be the leader...such an honor!
A huge thank you to Tisha for being such a great co-leader. Without her stepping up, we could have never had so many girls in the troop! Also, thank you to her mom, Miss Donna who has been our sewing, crafting, helper, & grandma to the troop!
The three moms that made all the meetings...Chandra, Colleen and Alyssa...much needed hands to help our big troop! Chandra was also our baker and Alyssa of course was the cookie mom! Such a huge help!!! THANK YOU to everyone who helped this year, sent snack and were patient as we got this Daisy thing figured out. It has been a great journey and I love our Girl Scout family!

Family Fun Day in the Pines

Check your email for the Evite for a family day in Prescott!
June 4th at 12:00pm at 212B Creekside Circle Prescott, AZ 86303
Should be so fun! There is a community pool, so bring swim suits, towels and sunscreen if you want to swim! The weather is usually 20 degrees cooler there, so depending on the day, you may want to bring a hoodie too.
Also, if you plan on having lunch with us, please bring cash for Bill's Pizza. :)
Hope to see you then!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Next year, the girls can wear a sash or vest. Click on the words "sash or vest" to see examples of each. The other items are needed for either one, so we will let you know which one the troop is going with. The troop needs to all have the same uniform so we look like we all belong together :)
The vest is $31.50 with everything and the sash is $21.00 with everything.

Bridging ceremony

The ceremony will be at the Skunk Creek flats May 14th from 6pm-7pm. Please RSVP to the evite sent out. We will meet at the bridge for the ceremony and then the tables under the ramada will be saved for the 50+ people going.
We will provide water and treats. You have the option of buying food and drinks after the ceremony. There is live music at 8pm. I am so excited for the girls!
Hope to see you there!

Friday, May 6, 2011


1st step to bridging from Daisies to Brownies is done! Today we met with the Brownie troop out in Anthem....the girls did so AMAZING! It was a long time to sit and listen to a leader read and talk and they did sooo well! It was great information and I am even more excited for next year! (Yes,I am staying on as leader for those who thought I would run away screaming after this year...ahem, Walt! J/K..haha!)

This truly has been an amazing experience! For never being in Girl Scouts myself, I think we have covered the bases with Daisies, the girls were all so sweet, I had some great helpers and a fabulous could not have been a better year!

Even the other troop leader commented on how great our girls were and I agree x10!

Thank you for a great adventure and trusting me to help grow your Daisies in their Girl Scout Journey! we come!
PS...we had a great pizza lunch and then some Yogurtberry to celebrate Temi's b-day!
Want to know what those boxes are they made? They are to write down random acts of kindness in your house or things that show good manners. You take a slip of paper, write the good thing down, then place in the box. At the end of the week, you can read the good deeds as a, right? ;)
Go troop 1460!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Brownie Meeting!

Do not forget the Brownie meeting tomorrow at 1:30pm at the Anthem Outlets...suite 435. If your Daisy is riding with us, we will meet them at the flag pole at 11:35am.
They need the covered box, supply bag, vest and about $5 for snack/lunch.
See you then!

Thank you!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

You are invited!

You should have gotten an invitation today to the Garden Tea Party on May 18th.
It will be at 3pm in room 201, please RSVP to Shannon or Tisha so we have enough food and drinks.
The girls had lots of ideas for what they wanted to eat, so this should be fun!
We have a fun performance for you as well, so it will be a great celebration of our last meeting as Daisies! This year has gone so fast!
Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Patch Placement

In case you need to see where the patches go, click here
The circle patches go on the back of the vest.
Thank you!
PS ...Do not forget the boxes for Friday! ;)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Friday, May 6th

Ok, I finally have details to share about this coming Friday, May 6th!
The girls will need....
1. A shoe box with a slit cut in the lid so they can put slips of paper in it. Also, it needs to be covered in plain paper so they can decorate it ;)
2. Bring their bag of supplies
3. Their vest
4. Money (about $5 for lunch) if they are not riding with you to the event.
We were meeting at 1pm, but it has been changed to 1:30, so the other troop can do birthday snacks for 1/2 hour.
If we are driving your girl, we will still get them as planned at the flag pole at 11:35pm. We will head to Anthem Outlet's food court to have lunch/snack at noon.
After the girls eat, we will play in the kid play area until about 1:15 or so.
At that time, we will head to Suite 435 by Bath and Body Works.
*Parents bringing your can meet us at 1:15pm at the play area or at suite 435 by 1:30pm. You are also welcome to join us earlier when we eat at the food court.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
The girls will be meeting with a Brownie troop and discussing manners, creating a craft and playing games. Should be fun!
Please make sure you have your permission slip turned into Tisha before Friday!
Thank you!
See the girls this Wed., May 4th!

As You Wish

The girls did a great job painting pottery! Thank you to all of the parents that brought their Daisy...I know how busy this time of year is. ;)
It was a great way to celebrate the super job they all did with cookie sales!
Go troop 1460!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The girls will transfer to be Brownies next year! Yay! Please let me know if your Daisy will not be continuing on with us. We have a waiting list to get into our troop right now and we need to register the end of May for next year. :)

Thank you!
Go Troop 1460!

Monday, April 25, 2011

May updates

May 1st is the Fun Day at As You Wish! Please arrive by 3pm or a little earlier to get a seat and get ready to paint or glaze your Daisy Box. Let me know if you have any questions.

May 4th- Regular Daisy meeting

May 6th, we are still meeting a sister Brownie troop at the Anthem Outlets at 1:30pm. If you are bringing your Daisy, please meet us at the playground area at 1:15pm at the Outlets. If we are taking your Daisy, we will be feeding them a snack from the food court at noon and then heading to the playground at 12:45 before the meeting that is at 1:30pm in Suite 435.
Please email Tisha at and return your permission slip to her by May 1st.

Thank you!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Busy Bee Day

Today we read Chapter 3 in the book. Page 44 and 45 are to do at home.
They can also read Chapter 4 and complete pages 62,63, and 65. On page 64 is the Girl Scout Law, which we are learning. They need to know it by May 18th. :)
The girls made the cutest sock mice today to donate to a Kitty Shelter. I need to take a photo...the cats will love them! They earned the Honey Bee Award for making our world a better place making the mice toys.

We will be collecting any water/food dishes, collars, leashes, blankets, etc. for a non-profit organization that saves dogs that are left in the desert to fend for themselves. They are short on money, so if we can gather supplies, they said it would help them save more dogs! Items can be brought to our next meeting.

Last, look for a widening our circle patch (goes on the back of the vest), the garden patch with a bee and a watering can. (These go on the front) See here for a diagram.

They also will have a piece of paper with their "part" for the Daisy Garden Tea Party skit that will take place May 18th.
Please help them read and review their lines. They do not need to memorize them, just need to be able to read the lines as best they can.
*If your child has a country such as Spain, China, or France, etc..they need to know the word for "Hello", such as hola for Spain. Also, any facts you can find on the internet about the girl scouts from that country will be great to share.

The girls are doing so amazing! Let me know if you have questions about your daisy's part. (The girls played a little bit of switching after they got their parts)

Please send the girls with their skit parts, color packets, supply bag, vest with petals attached and book for our next meeting on May 4th. :)

Go troop 1460!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Food Tidings

Thank you to everyone who has signed up for the Raab family food tidings.
It has been a great support to their family! April 30th is coming up soon and no one has taken that day if anyone is available! Also, they will be needing this support through July when Alysha is hopefully done with her chemo treatments, so check back through the summer to see if any days are open!

Thank you again for being such a great help to our neighborhood family! :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Meeting updates

This week we have a meeting on Wed. the 20th. Please have your girl bring her new book and bag with markers or crayons.
We will be giving out patches, so watch for them. :)

May 1st at 3:00 we are meeting at As You Wish to paint pottery.

May 4th we are meeting on our normal schedule. The girls will need their books again.

May 6th at 1pm we will be meeting with our sister Brownie troop at the Anthem Outlets. Please RSVP if you have not already.

May 14th-possible family day in Prescott...need to talk about this and take a vote if after school gets out would be better*

May 18th is our last meeting and our garden party. Parents and siblings are welcome.
An official invite will go home May 4th. The girls will have songs and a skit to perform for you. :)

Friday, April 15, 2011


I have 30 RSVPs for painting pottery on May 1st at 3:00pm (As You Wish Deer Valley).
If there is room, parents can paint too. All of the siblings that were listed are included in our final number. Parents are $8 to paint and kids are $6 to paint plus the pottery. The Daisies will be covered by girl scouts.
For May 6th, please RSVP to let us know if you can make it to Anthem Outlets by 1pm to meet up with a Brownie troop. We need to tell them how many supplies to get.

Thank you!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who has signed up for the food tidings for the Raab family!
They live very close to the school, so it was an easy drop off. The family can use meal support, any financial donations, art supplies, basic essentials, snacks for the kids, and any gift cards to the grocery store or restaurants. They are faced with caring for Alysha, who has the cancer related medical needs and two teenage girls that have normal teenage needs. They are an amazing family to balance it all!
Thank you again....I hope we can fill their meal calendar for April and May!

The girls had a busy day today! After reading chapter 1 & 2 in their new books, we were able to plant some Daisy seeds. We did not water them so the paper bags could stay dry. They should have more seeds left to plant as well. It is their job to tend to their "garden." They will be getting the first part to their patch next meeting. The watering can :)
We also had a visit with a vet along side the Kinder troop. We have an awesome group of girls and they did very well. You should have two items that were sent home with the girls given by the vet office. Their doggy pal was a favorite too!
Thank you to Savannah for snack, even if she was unable to join us. We hope she enjoys her time with Miss Mayberry!
Go troop 1460!

Shasta Daisy

Today the girls will plant Shasta Daisies in a small cup. Here is a link to the care of a Daisy Garden.
The girls need to care for the seeds as part of their journey. :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Norterra Pirate in Need!

Hello everyone!
I am sure you know about Alysha, the 5th grade girl at Norterra battling cancer. Her family is having a hard time financially as well as time to shop and cook for weekly meals. They have a meal support page set up for any donations to help ease their burden right now. I am bringing food tomorrow before our meeting and I am asking that if you can support them with a meal this month or next, please sign up for a day. You can make it, get a pre bought at a store like Costco or even donate a gift card so they can pick up a meal for their family. I know they would so appreciate the help and this makes a great service project for our Daisies! The money we raised at PPP last month will be given to the family as well for meals when we get the check. It was a small amount (about $55), but it will help this family in need. Thank you in advance and let me know if you have any questions. With such a large troop, we can almost fill this month, if we all pitch in! :)
Here is the link to sign up... Help our fellow pirate in need!
Here is her Care Page to read about her story and get updates on what the family needs. You sign up using your email and a password and then you can get the most recent updates. This family is beyond strong to be surviving all they are going through....Alysha is a very brave girl for sure!

Thank you again!
Troop 1460

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April 6th and May 1st

April 6th at 4pm, we will join the kindergarten troop to hear from a vet about pet care. The girls will also get their new books and first journey patch!

May 1st at 3pm, the troop will meet at As You Wish to paint a flower box as their celebration for a great cookie sale. The girls' pottery will be covered by the troop funds and the paint fee is free for girl scouts for the month of May.
If you (a parent) or sibling want to paint, it is $6 for kids and $8 for adults plus the cost of the pottery you choose.
We have about 30 attending, so it should be fun! :)

If you have any questions, please let me know!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Petsmart and Camp Day!

Petsmart was a great field trip! The girls got to take a tour around the store, pet cats, a dog or two, a guinea pig, a chinchilla and a bearded dragon. Super fun!

Camp day was really fun today as well! The girls were able to have chips and apples (thank you Alexis!), hotdogs, and smores in a bag! (Thank you cookie sales!)
They ate them in a tent (thank you Tisha and Gavin!) and then made sit-upons as their craft. (Thank you Kristine for cutting the squares out and a big thank you to Miss Donna for cutting all the fringe and tying the pillow sides last night!)
I think the girls had a great time and I appreciate all the helpers that are always there to clean up spills (lots of spills), fill plates, clean up, make copies, help with projects, pass out snacks, and everything else that goes on during the meetings. THANK YOU helpers!
I cannot believe the year is nearly over! We are planning for the April field trip. We will be going to paint pottery at As You Wish for the reward field trip from Cookie sales. Details soon! :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Camp Day!

Tomorrow is our camp on campus day for our meeting. Should be lots of fun! :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Petals and Patches

These are the petals....the girls should have all 10 now. The Widening Our Circle patch goes on the back of the vest.
Please let me know if you are still missing a petal by giving me the number...I will be passing them out at the next meeting on 3/30. The pink, rose, violet and magenta are confusing in color, so this will be easier.
The new patch will be given in 3 pieces and the first one will be given out 4/6.
Thank you to everyone for getting their money in on time!
We had a great first cookie sale!
Go troop 1460!

Monday, March 21, 2011

March fun!

March 26th at 10am is the pet tour at Petsmart

March 30th at 3:15pm is Camp day for our next meeting! Please let me know if you are joining us or bringing a sibling by March 26th so we have enough hotdogs and drinks for the camp out!
Each girl will make a sit-upon
We will have games, tents, food, and fun....can't wait! :)
Thank you for getting your money in for the cookies! We need all the money in by tomorrow(3/22) morning at 11am. I will be at Chase with Alyssa at 11:20am making the final deposit.
Thank you again for all of your efforts in making this a great cookie sale!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Respect Authority!

Today was a great day! The girls earned their last petal- magenta petal for respect authority.
We had 3 firemen come visit. They were so nice and gave lots of good information. Thank you station 56!
Also, a big thank you to Elliot's mom for making the yummy and beautiful cake for Girl Scouts birthday this month...100 years of girl scouts!
Tonight we also had a great time at Peter Piper Pizza with our sister troop! We have not received the total yet, but I think we made at least $150 for the two troops! Thank you to all who joined us!
The girls got to make their own pizza, a pizza maker patch, and certificate for completing the class.
March 26th at 10am is the Petsmart field trip.
Our next meeting is March 30th since there are conferences after Spring Break.
This will be such a fun meeting....we are camping on campus! Hotdogs and smores in a bag. Feel free to join us!
All cookie money needs to be in by March 20th at the latest.
You have all done a great job selling cookies and collecting the money. I will be gone all of Spring Break, but you can continue to give money to Alyssa and I will deposit when I return. If you can get the money in this Friday, even better! ;)
Have a great Spring Vacation!!